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'Q8iKU6N27PY'}, coordinates: { lat: 38.7656537, lng: -77.4053195}}, {name: "Settle Down Easy Brewing Co.", id: "cwSd", type: "point", dest: {youtube: '7Cn4I4ApbFY'}, coordinates: { lat: 38.8761199, lng: -77.20868}}, {name: "The Winery at Bull Run", id: "cwBr", type: "point", dest: {youtube: 'd3D9e-2sef8'}, coordinates: { lat: 38.8288854, lng: -77.4984329}}, {name: "Woodlawn Press Winery", id: "cwWp", type: "point", dest: {external: 'https://www.fxva.com/listing/woodlawn-press-winery/4189/'}, coordinates: { lat: 38.7196056, lng: -77.1236471}}, ] }, { name: "Shopping", id: "cSho", marker: ColorHeart('black'), group: "shop", items: [ //{name: "Fairfax Square", id: "caFs", type: "point", dest: {id360: 45}, coordinates: { lat: 38.8772819, lng: -77.2905845}}, {name: "Fair Oaks Mall", id: "caFo", type: "point", dest: {id360: 47}, coordinates: { lat: 38.8627713, lng: -77.3613949}}, {name: "Fairfax Corner", id: "caFc", type: "point", dest: {id360: 10}, coordinates: { lat: 38.8583658, lng: 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